The Cutflower Garden Chronicles: Homage to Simplicity
Homage to simplicity and finds from places by the water — shell from a knobbed whelk and a hibachi/tea table brought back from Yokohama in the 1970s.
I had been wanting to incorporate them with the beautiful things from the garden for a while now, the waterlily dahlia and fluid vines of the clematis made perfect company. A counterbalance to the chaos of August both in and out of the garden!
In technology product development, I am often presented with a real world question or problem in complex systems in need of some kind of solutions. (Lately, it’s been Covid…) The tendency for addition, and difficulty of subtraction and thoughtful creation often get lost in rapid development cycles. It takes knowing, or in many cases, choosing what matters from the get go and sticking to it with great discipline to create simple elegance and longevity.
Whether it’s the number of types of flowers we grow, the company we keep, or the habits we are looking to form, isn’t it the same in life and in the garden also?