Why We Garden

Why We Garden

Years ago, I worked on an app that helps make getting outdoors fun for kids and families for the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, sponsored by the National Park Services. That was when I first heard of outdoor play as a prescription option for doctors and a favourably reviewed and practice-tested health intervention that is also broadly supported by both private and public groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the White House's Let's Move campaign. 

It's a huge encouragement to see that research on gardening is now receiving more media attention for similar reasons – spending roughly two hours a week in nature is linked to better health and well-being, scientists found.  



Thought I'd share a couple of articles here highlighting the green prescription and community garden projects supported by the NHS UK, and more information on the research study, part of UK's Engagement with the Natural Environment survey. 

Enjoy, and garden on! 

Why doctors are prescribing gardening for anxiety and depression, instead of medication by Yvonne Black, PhD researcher in systems science at the University of Hull. 

Spending Two Hours a Week in Nature is Linked to Better Health & Well-being by Mathew White, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Psychology, University of Exeter



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